Yii Kia Shian, 11 | Senior Category | ICS 2023

Yii Kia Shian, 11, presents his Scratch coding project ‘The Sustainable Fishing Game’ for Coding Lab’s International Coding Showcase 2023.

"This game I created aims to educate the player about the importance of sustainable fishing, by not fishing endangered animals, participating in illegal fishing or overfishing. It is only through sustainable fishing that the player can accumulate enough money to win the game." - Yii Kia Shian

Yii Kia Shian’s project and video presentation earned him a Gold and Judges' Choice (Best Presentation) in the Senior category.


Ayan Rajeev Prasad, 11 | Senior Category | ICS 2023


Asami Inada, 8 | Junior Category | ICS 2023