Sharing our intimate insights on Education, Computational Thinking and Technology
Welcome to our blog, where we delve into the realms of education, coding, and technology. We aim to empower parents and students by providing valuable insights, tutorials, and resources. From unraveling the mysteries of coding to exploring its endless possibilities, we believe that coding is not just a skill but a mindset that nurtures problem-solving, creativity, and resilience. Join us on this exciting journey as we shape the next generation of digital pioneers, preparing them to thrive in the ever-evolving digital age.
Corporate Partner OCBC: Coaching Fresh Talents in Data Analytics
Once again, we’re glad for the opportunity to impart Python programming and Data Analytics to 40 fresh talents from the OCBC Graduate Talent Programme! The 40 participants from different departments of the bank ranging from HR and Marketing to IT worked in teams. Regardless of whether they had a background in programming, all were able to utilise their newfound Data Analytics skills for their business cases presentation at the end of the workshop.
#CodingLabParenting: How To Choose A Good Coding School
Singapore is increasingly embracing coding and programming in recent years, with the government pushing for a #SmartNation where the society, economy and government will become increasingly digitalised.
Understandably, interest in learning to code has increased more than five-fold over the past 3 years and parents are looking for good quality courses for their child. How does this translate to our work with students? Here at Coding Lab, we’re parents too. And we know what we want not only for our own kids, but for every single child that steps through our glass doors.
Fun Techtivities in May!
Holidays are coming up! I’m sure we are all excited and thinking about what we can do during the upcoming summer holidays. Well, no worries, because we have prepared various #techtivities where you can have fun, spend time with your family, and learn more about the wonders of technology!
#CodingLabStudents: Evan Chua, 12, Gold Winner, HCIC 2022
Our students are our pride and joy, and we love celebrating their exciting coding journeys with them, including their achievements! We are very proud of how far our talented and bright student, Evan Chua, has come since he started coding with us at the age of 9! He has achieved the Gold Award (the second highest honour) at the Hwa Chong Infocomm Challenge (HCIC) 2022!
Congratulations to our 10 Medallists in the NOI 2023!
t is that time of the year again for the National Olympiad in Informatics (NOI), modelled after the International Olympiad in Informatics, the reknowned international competition in competitive computing. Of the many students who participated, only the top 5 students from each school, at each level, are shortlisted for the Final contest and awarded medals. After the two intensive rounds were finally completed on 18th March 2023, we are proud to announce that 10 of our students have obtained medals in the 26th NOI 2023!
Fun Techtivities in April!
What better way to spend time with the whole family while having fun and learning at the same time? In line with our aim to nurture future leaders in technology, we have prepared several #Techtivities for the family to enjoy and discover how technology is a part of many things in our lives! 🤩
Now that we’re learnt a new titbit, keep scrolling on to discover techtivities that you and your family can indulge in this month! ✨
#CodingLabStudents: Aidan Sin, 12, Platinum Award Winner, HCIC 2022
We love seeing our students shine and grow as they develop their coding skills and discover how they can find success through coding! Meet one of them today: our student Aidan Sin, age 12, who won the Platinum Award (the highest honour) at the Hwa Chong Infocomm Challenge (HCIC) 2022!
National Japan Microsoft Minecraft Cup 2022 - Winner of the Sustainable City Development Award!
Congratulations to team Urban Coders (ages 13 to 18) for winning the “Sustainable City Development Award” at the 2022 Minecraft Cup! 🏆
Fun Techtivities in March!
With the school holidays soon upon us, we are all excited to have an enjoyable break with our families. Why not explore the endless possibilities that technology has to offer while having fun through our #Techtivities? 🐇
Let’s kick it off with this month’s #TechFact! Did you know that Jack Dorsey, the CEO of Twitter, would send his first ever tweet on the social media platform in 2006? Now, Twitter is the 9th most viewed website globally!
Now that we’re learnt a new titbit, click in to discover techtivities that you and your family can indulge in this month! ✨
Why we teach Minecraft (and not Roblox)
Games have been at the forefront of entertainment for all ages and have never been more accessible.
The two most popular games on our kids’ minds are Minecraft and Roblox. By the age of 7, many of our Students will have heard about these games through their friends or YouTube channels. As a result, many parents have approached Coding Lab, inquiring about the presence of either a Minecraft or Roblox curriculum where the students can be guided into their foray into online games and at the same time, learn programming.
We sat down with our Educator and Assistant Curriculum Team Lead, Hovan Tan, to ask him his thoughts on what platforms are suitable for our children, and how we came to the decision to develop and launch our special Minecraft Code Your World curriculum, instead of other platforms. Let’s hear from Teacher Hovan! 👏
Congratulations to Woodgrove Primary for placing top 3 in the National Thinkers Challenge!
This year, we had the opportunity to coach Woodgrove Primary, who won the Most Feasible and Sustainable Award in the National Thinkers Challenge 2022 by Singapore Hokkien Huay Kuan!
Out of 52 teams, the team placed in the top 3 and clinched 1 out of the 5 awards presented. This competition aims to let students think of innovative tech solutions and this year’s theme was food wastage, and the students created a prototype mobile app incorporating Artificial Intelligence (AI).
Fun Techtivities in February!
Hop into the Year of the Rabbit with our compiled list of #techtivities, where you can enjoy time with your family, have fun and see the wonders that technology can bring! 🐇
Starting with February’s #TechFact, did you know that the chess A.I programme “Deep Blue” defeated world champion Garry Kasparov in a game in 1996? That marked the first time a chess computer had beaten a world champion!
Now that we’re all warmed up, keep scrolling on to discover techtivities that you and your family can indulge in this month! ✨
#ParentsWhoWork: Want to increase your productivity? Check out these 8 browser extensions for Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox!
Trying to get your work done efficiently but find yourself distracted? We’ve all been there, our attention diverted by social media and other websites instead of focusing on our task at hand. But don’t worry, we have compiled a list of the 8 best browser extensions for Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox that are designed to help you focus and boost your productivity! 👍
Coding Lab Educator Feature: Interview with Stephanie Swee
One of our most beloved educators, Stephanie Swee charms her class with her unique personality and background in Cyber Security!
A board game aficionado with past work experience in the IT industry, she aspires to bring the same level of enthusiasm to her classroom and pass on her passion for coding to her students. Travel with us through her journey into becoming a Coding Lab Educator! 😄
Fun Techtivities in January!
The end of holidays does not mean the end of having fun. Combine fun and learning about technology through our techtivities, where we can enjoy a day out with our family and get to see amazing technology in action!
Starting off with a #TechFact for 2023, did you know that Wikipedia was launched 22 years ago on the 15th of January, becoming the “largest and most-read reference work in history”? As of 2022, they are still in the top 5 most popular websites in the world, and they have information available in 329 languages with contributions from users all over the world! (Source)
What's your digital footprint? Take care of it!
Social media has become an intimate way for many of us to connect with relatives and old friends when we share pictures of our families and celebrations for the various events in our lives. However, that also means everyone else is watching.
It is estimated that by 2030 “parents’ over-sharing of personal information about their kids on social media could cost almost £670m in online fraud”. How can this happen? We must first understand our “digital footprint”.
#CodingLabStudents: Wang Jun Min, 13, NUS High School of Math and Science
Meet Jun Min, our avid coder and Secondary One student currently studying in his dream school, NUS High School of Math and Science, which he entered through Direct School Admission (DSA). As one of Coding Lab's earlier students (he started when he was barely 7 years old), we catch up with him since his previous blog feature.
Fun Techtivities in December!
School holidays are in full swing, and we are all no doubt thinking about how to best enjoy our time before the next year begins. This is where techtivities come in – activities where you can learn more about the immense possibilities of technology, while having fun at the same time!
For December’s #TechFact, did you know that 40 years ago, the computer was named the “Man of the Year” by TIME Magazine? This is the first time the editors of the magazine selected a non-human recipient for the award. It speaks of the large impact computers had in the world 40 years ago, and clearly still persisting till today!
Now that we’re all warmed up, keep scrolling on to discover techtivities that you and your family can indulge in this month! ✨
International Coding Showcase 2021 Summed Up
Coding Lab’s annual International Coding Showcase (ICS) is a collaboration with Coding Lab Japan to showcase our brilliant (and brave!) students ages 7 to 18 and their very own projects – whether it’s Scratch, App Inventor or Python – and share them with the world. ICS 2021 saw Coding Lab students not only from Singapore and Japan, but also from other countries such as Germany, Indonesia and the United States!
With coding foundation and knowledge from our MIT-inspired coding classes, our students put in their blood, sweat and tears and used their ingenuity and creativity to create videos and projects that wowed the panel of judges. Today, we bring to you an exclusive blog feature of some of our top Distinction winners from ICS 2021. They clinched the top award and were featured on our Coding Lab YouTube channel – which reached thousands of viewers all over the world.
Learn all about their coding journey and watch their amazing project submissions!
#CodingLabParenting: Top 5 Educational STEM Games for Your Children
We know that you've got lots of things to do, so we've hunted down and made a list of 5 Educational Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) Games for Children – so you don't have to search for them yourself! Now, screen time can be productive and educational, and the family can relax and wind down together after a long day.